Is Surrogate Steps affiliated with any groups or professional organizations?
Yes, Surrogate Steps is a Licensed Surrogacy Agency, which is an important and distinguishing factor. The surrogacy industry is highly unregulated. Agencies are not required to be licensed and thus lack checks and balances to ensure that surrogates and the intended parents are fully informed and that their rights are fully protected.
Attorney director Yifat is admitted to practice law in the states of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania and is also affiliated with the following organizations:
- American Bar Association (ABA)
- Assisted Reproductive & Genetic Technology Committee (ABA)
- Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York (WBASNY)
- Reproductive Health Law Committee (WBASNY)
- Finger Lakes Women’s Bar Association (FLWBA)
- LGBTQ+ Committee (FLWBA)