Become a Surrogate

  • Make a Dream Come True

    As a surrogate, you’re helping those struggling to grow their family have the child of their dreams.

  • A Beautiful Experience

    Most say being a surrogate and giving the gift of life is one of the best and most significant life experiences.

  • Generous Compensation

    Surrogates with Surrogate Steps usually between $45,000 and $70,000.

Being a Surrogate

Fast Facts

    • Not Genetically Related

      Our surrogates do NOT use their own eggs to create the babies they carry and are thus NOT genetically related to the baby.

    • Compensation

      Our surrogates are paid throughout the entirety of the process. Payments start after medical clearance and continue at regular intervals until delivery. Most surrogates take home $45,000-$70,000.

    • Who's Baby do You Carry

      Surrogates have the final say as to whom they are matched with, meaning you’ll never be carrying a pregnancy for someone you’re uncomfortable with.

      What Makes a Good Surrogate?

      Surrogate Requirements

      Surrogacy is a truly beautiful experience, but there is a lot at stake, so there are strict requirements to act as a gestational carrier with surrogate steps. Here are the requirements to become a surrogate:

      • Age

        You must be between the ages of 23 and 43. Maturity is key.

      • No Drug or Alcohol Abuse

        You must have no history of alcohol or illicit drug abuse.

      • No Tobacco and Marijuana Use

        You must be free of tobacco, marijuana, vaping, or any smoking for a minimum of 6 months.

      • Proven Birth Record

        You must have a minimum of one child who was born without pregnancy or delivery complications. Experienced surrogates get an extra 5K in compensation per previous successful surrogacy.

      • Good Health

        You must be in good health. You’ll need to obtain medical clearance for pregnancy from your OBGYN and pass a reproductive health exam by a fertility doctor. Don’t worry, we’ll help coordinate all of this.

      • Strong Support Network

        Surrogates must have support of their family. If married or in a long term relationship, the surrogate must have their partner’s support.

      • Willingness to Travel

        Surrogates must be willing to travel and be away from home for multiple days at a time without their children. On average, surrogates are away from home for 3-6 days.

      • Government Assistance

        Surrogates may not receive section 8 housing.

      • Surrogate Friendly State

        Gestational Carriers may not live in Nebraska, Louisiana, or Michigan.

      • Valid State ID or Drivers License

        All gestational carriers must have a current driver’s license or government ID.

      • No Criminal Record

        You cannot have any criminal history record.

      The Process of Being a Surrogate

      Surrogacy is a life-changing experience for all involved. We works with you at every step, navigating the process, answering your questions, providing resources and referrals, and ensuring your comfort. These are the surrogate steps.

      • step 1
        Surrogate Applications
      • Step 2
        Surrogacy Education & Consent Requests
      • Step 3
        Intended Parent Profile Review & Matching
      • Step 4
        Final Eligibility Screening
      • Step 5
        Gestational Carrier Agreement
      • Step 6
        Embryo Transfer
      • Step 7
        Pregnancy Confirmation
      • Step 8
      • Step 9
      Become a Surrogate Today

      Surrogate Inquiry

      Have Questions or Ready to Get Started

      Surrogacy is a beautiful but often intimidating process. No matter where you are in exploring the possibility of growing your family or becoming a surrogate, we are here to help!

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