Yifat Shaltiel, Esq. is the founder of Surrogate Steps and an Assisted Reproductive Technology law attorney concerning surrogacy and fertility. Yifat has been featured as a reproductive law specialist in surrogacy at various venues, including:

  • New York State Legislature
  • United Nation’s Commission on the Status of Women
  • Fox5NY News
  • FOX40 News
  • WHCU Radio
  • Cornell Law School
  • Cornell University
  • Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York
  • Reproductive Rights Committee for the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York
  • Finger Lakes Women’s Bar Association
  • Tompkins County Bar Association
  • Men Having Babies
  • Jewish Theological Seminary
  • Jewish Fertility Foundation

Yifat has also published numerous articles on reproductive law and surrogacy, including an article on the cost of surrogacy for the American Bar Association.

Yifat received her B.A. from the University of Minnesota, where she was awarded a full scholarship and a J.D. from New York Law School where she received high honors for her published law review article, which was cited numerous times by other law review articles, as well as courts, including District Court of Appeals.

Yifat’s passion to help couples and individuals become parents and build their families through assisted reproductive technology and surrogacy stems from her own struggles to grow her family and her eventual use of advanced reproductive technology to become the mother of two beautiful children.

Yifat is admitted to practice law in the states of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania and is affiliated with the following organizations:

  • American Bar Association-Family Law Section (ABA)
  • Assisted Reproductive & Genetic Technology Committee (ABA)
  • Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York (WBASNY)
  • Co-Chair of Reproductive Health Law Committee (WBASNY)
  • Finger Lakes Women’s Bar Association (FLWBA)
  • LGBTQ+ Committee (FLWBA)

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